Planned Giving
Planned giving
build a brighter future • and your legacy
The commitment that Simply Smiles has to the children in our care is the same commitment that you feel for your children and grandchildren. We all want to make sure that the next generation is able to fulfill their potential, fill each of their days with smiles, and live a life of impact.

Through a planned gift to Simply Smiles, you can help us to provide that kind of future for the least fortunate among us - while simultaneously meeting your personal, financial, and philanthropic goals.
Simply Smiles Planned Giving is accessible to everyone. No matter the size of your estate, or where you are in your financial planning, setting up a planned gift to Simply Smiles will ensure that your family’s legacy provides bright futures to those in need for generations to come.
Make a gift of stock
Simply Smiles, Inc has a brokerage account with Wilmington Advisors @ M&T, powered by LPL Financial. Please provide your broker with the following information to make a transfer of stock to Simply Smiles:
Brokerage Account Name: Wilmington Advisors @ M&T Bank
• Account Holder Name: Simply Smiles, Inc.
• Account #5579-6248
• DTC #0075
• Account Executive: MT/PUB Direct Brokerage Service Team: (844) 843-1429
Once received, Simply Smiles will provide you with a receipt for your contribution which you can use for tax purposes.
Simply Smiles is a 501(c)(3) organization and your contribution is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Questions? Email contributions@simplysmiles.org or call 203-810-4041
planned giving strategies
Click on any of the options below to learn more.
Bequests and Estate Plan Gifts
Planning a posthumous gift to Simply Smiles in your estate plans is one of the most enduring ways to support the mission of Simply Smiles and to leave a legacy that will last for generations.
A donor may make a bequest or gift through his/her estate by including a provision in a will, living trust, retirement plan, or by naming Simply Smiles, Inc. as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
The amount left to Simply Smiles can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be given.
Larger estate gifts may qualify for naming opportunities such as higher education scholarships or building dedications.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an IRA
If you are 70.5 years of age or older, and have an IRA, setting up a Qualified Charitable Distribution is one of the easiest ways to support Simply Smiles and lower your tax burden.
How it works:
If you are a retiree 70.5 years of age or older you can donate up to $100,000, tax-free, from your IRA each year. For married individuals filing a joint return, the limit is $100,000 per individual IRA owner.
IRS rules mandate that individuals over 70.5 take “required minimum distributions” from their IRAs every year - regardless of if the income is needed. This required withdrawal is subject to ordinary income taxes.
By donating your required IRA withdrawal to Simply Smiles, via what the IRS calls a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD), those assets are not treated as taxable income.
The IRA distribution is made directly to Simply Smiles so it is therefore not included in your income, avoiding the taxes taken from regular IRA withdrawals in retirement.
QCDs are also equivalent to a 100% charitable deduction. Normally, charitable contribution deductions are limited to a lower percentage (or eliminated all together) for taxpayers who do not itemize and take the standard deduction.
By making a charitable contribution to Simply Smiles from your IRA, you can satisfy your required minimum distribution, lower your tax bill, and know that you are making a difference in the lives of children in need.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Naming Simply Smiles as a Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy
Naming Simply Smiles as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy is perhaps the most approachable means of setting up a planned gift.
Anyone, of any age, with a life insurance policy can easily name Simply Smiles as a beneficiary by contacting whomever handles your policy.
A donor may name Simply Smiles as a primary or secondary beneficiary. Many policies allow you to specify a dollar or percentage amount that the policy will pay to Simply Smiles upon the policy holder’s passing.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Gift of Appreciated Securities
You can donate shares of appreciated stock or mutual funds to Simply Smiles and enjoy greater tax savings than with a comparable cash gift.
If you have owned the securities for at least one year, your gift to Simply Smiles will not trigger any capital gains tax, regardless of how much the securities may have appreciated in value over time.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Charitable Lead Trusts
A Charitable Lead Trust makes an annual payment to Simply Smiles for a period of years and at the end of the term, the remaining assets go to the donor’s children or other beneficiary.
For example, an individual establishes a Trust and funds it with $500,000. The Trust agrees to provide Simply Smiles annual payments of $25,000 for 10 years. At the end of the 10-year period, the remaining assets in the Trust go to the donor’s children.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Life Income Gifts
A Life Income gift allows a donor to give assets to Simply Smiles while providing the donor with income for a period of time before Simply Smiles is permitted to use the gift.
For example, a donor gives $1 million to Simply Smiles, with the stipulation that $50,000 a year will be paid to the donor for 5 years. After 5 years, the payments cease and Simply Smiles is permitted to use the remaining assets.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Charitable Gift Annuities
In exchange for an outright gift, Simply Smiles agrees by contract to pay a fixed amount each year to the donor or another beneficiary for life.
For example, a donor gives Simply Smiles $5 million outright but Simply Smiles agrees to pay $10,000 a year to the donor for the remainder of his/her life.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A donor may establish a trust from which he/she (or their beneficiaries) receive annual payments for life and/or a specific term of years. At the end of the term, the remainder of the trust assets go to Simply Smiles for the purposes designated by the donor.
For example, a donor establishes a trust of $25 million. During the remainder of his/her life, the Trust makes annual payments to the donor until his/her death, at which time the remaining assets in the Trust are paid to Simply Smiles.
While in many cases, setting up a planned gift is a very easy process for the donor, Simply Smiles, Inc is not in a position to advise a potential donor on the best type or timing of a planned gift. Please contact your tax accountant, financial planner, and/or estate planner for guidance and recommendations.
more info
Click on any of the options below to learn more.
Are there other means of making a planned gift?
Absolutely. The above means of making a planned gift to Simply Smiles are the most common strategies, but your financial professional may be able to advise you on other methods of supporting Simply Smiles.
The Simply Smiles Endowment Fund
The Simply Smiles Planned Giving Program is designed to provide long-term financial resources to support the organization and sustain its programs in perpetuity by providing a vehicle through which supporters can leave a lasting legacy in support of our mission to provide bright futures for children, their families and their communities.
To that end, unless otherwise determined by the restrictions provided by the donor, planned gifts received by Simply Smiles will be placed in the Simply Smiles Endowment General Fund.
Investment Policy Statement & Investment Committee
Investment Committee
The Simply Smiles Investment Committee is comprised of professionals committed to the health, growth, and future of Simply Smiles. To that end, our investment committee’s first priority is to be the best stewards of your financial contributions. The investment committee oversees the investment of all assets owned by or held in trust for the portfolio.
David J. Rotatori is the President & CEO of iON Bank and serves as the Treasurer of the Simply Smiles, Inc, Board of Directors.
Bryan Nurnberger is the President & Founder of Simply Smiles.
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
The Simply Smiles, Inc Endowment Policy Statement contains established guidelines for the endowment investment portfolio. The statement incorporates accountability standards used for monitoring the progress of the portfolio, acceptable risk, and for evaluating the contributions of the managers hired on behalf of the endowment and its beneficiaries.
Download the IPS by clicking on the document thumbnail:
Naming Opportunities & Legacy Society
Simply Smiles Legacy Society
Planned gifts are recognized, with donor permission, in agency literature and communications. The Simply Smiles Legacy Society is a means by which donors who have made a planned gift may be listed and recognized.
Naming Opportunities
Larger planned gifts may also be recognized through naming opportunities as determined possible and appropriate by the organization. Examples of naming opportunities include academic scholarships and building dedications.
Restricted vs. Unrestricted Gifts
Unrestricted gifts are encouraged as they provide the greatest flexibility for the organization in applying funds where needed most.
However, donors may choose to restrict their gifts for a particular purpose/project/program. In this case, ideally the donor will have discussions with Simply Smiles in advance of making the gift to ensure that the restrictions are consistent with the mission of the organization, can be accommodated from a programmatic and administrative perspective, and can be honored both in spirit and in actual application long-term. Only planned gifts valued at $10,000 or greater are eligible for restriction.
Gifts of Non-Cash Assets
Gifts of stock, marketable securities, real estate and other non-cash assets are welcome. However, it is the policy of the organization to liquidate these gifts as quickly as possible upon receipt. In the case of real estate, any such gifts must be reviewed and accepted by a majority vote of the Board.
Simply Smiles, Inc, Financials & Transparency
A core tenet of Simply Smiles is our belief in organizational transparency for our supporters.
All supporters have access to our latest financials including audited statements, can visit our program locations to see their impact first-hand, and can contact Simply Smiles at any time.
a top-rated organization that you can trust.
what they’re saying about simply smiles
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