Simply Smiles Germany
Simply smiles Germany
Simply Smiles Germany works to recruit future volunteers*, explore fundraising opportunities, and support the efforts of Simply Smiles Inc.
As part of a special volunteer program*, Simply Smiles Germany facilitates a year-long, voluntary service program through Freiwilliger ökumenischer Friedensdienst (FÖF), or the Voluntary Ecumenical Peace Service of the Protestant Church of Baden. Volunteers live in Oaxaca, Mexico and they support the day-to-day operations of the Simply Smiles Children’s Village in Mexico.
The Simply Smiles Children's Village in Oaxaca, Mexico is a recognized placement site for development policy volunteer service within the framework of the Weltwärts program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
the volunteers
Volunteers* participate in meaningful work, including providing valuable support to children’s village staff and the youth living at the Simply Smiles Children’s Village. Volunteers may also have the opportunity to create special activities, accompany excursions and field trips, and organize birthdays and celebrations.
Our children’s village in Oaxaca welcomed our first class of German volunteers in August 2023.
*Please note: Simply Smiles Inc. volunteer programs remain suspended. Current volunteers in Mexico are serving through a special program.
Simply Smiles Germany Leadership
Meet Special Representatives Stefan Schütz and Eleanor (Ellie) McCormick!
Stefan Schütz & Ellie McCormick
Simply Smiles Germany began as a fundraising initiative by a former Simply Smiles volunteer from Germany who spent time with us in Oaxaca, looking for a way to support our programming after returning home. Now, under the guidance and leadership of Stefan Schütz and Eleanor (Ellie) McCormick, Simply Smiles Germany works to recruit future FÖF volunteers, explore fundraising opportunities, and support the efforts of Simply Smiles Inc.
Many of our former volunteers and supporters may also recognize Ellie and Stefan from their previous work coordinating youth and volunteer service groups from Plymouth Congregational Church of Lawrence, KS.
Stefan and Ellie live and work in Germany.